Post by dodd4 on Jul 24, 2013 19:12:50 GMT 1
((Coricopat)) Cori dipped his head to the massive tuxedo tom,"the one that concerns me most is no mystic himself but he has recruited them into his beck and call. one of the Names that he go's by is The Hidden Paw, and this name has been applied to those in his employ as well. for a time it amused him to have mystics in his employ preform feats for which he was atributed but he himself never laid claim. he was once part of this tribe but was cast out for treacheory when he tride to take control and over throw his father after he was passed over for succesion. he styles himself The Napoleon Of Crime and has been quite succesful at createing his own fiefdom amoungst the riff and raff. and it would be against the more mundane of his...operatives that we would ask you to exert yourself. I fear that he might strike at the matrons as a way to hurt the tribe...and his father." Coricopat explained.
Post by Graymane on Jul 24, 2013 23:39:46 GMT 1
Quaxo nodded as Coric spoke "I think I understand now what you meant by saying that 'The past never sleeps'. You saw something that occured, and I think that the reason the Stranglewood grew on the Old Oak was because of that event. The one you call the Hidden Paw was it ? His leaving I think is what most likely caused the Stranglewood vine to grow on the Old Oak as it did Remember, it was not that old, had it been older, we'd have harmed the Old Oak in the removal of the vine."
He miled then and explained "I see it like this. The Old Oak is your tribe and its members, their families and friends that make you all live together with one another here. The Stranglewood vine is your enemy, and he was slowly sapping the strength from your tribes roots at the base of the tree. With our removing of it, we've saved the Old Oak from certain death. And in a way, possibly you tribe as well"
He sighed thoughtfully and said "Perhaps then that is why I came. Fate may have dictated my arrival to help you. But what can a swordsman do against Mystics and their magic ?"
Post by dodd4 on Jul 24, 2013 23:56:14 GMT 1
((Coricopat)) the dark calico tom chuckled, "depnding upon the mystic quite a bit! some of them become so focused upon dealing with magic that they ignore mundeane solutions! and rember he has many footsoldiers as well! he is a ginger tom and his name is Macvity, look for his plans where he is not, in the words of two of our queens 'he allway has an alabi, and one or two to spare!' and many have not acted as quickly as they might have because they were seeeking confermation." he said quietly.
Post by Graymane on Jul 25, 2013 9:34:45 GMT 1
"I have heard of him, though what I have heard is but very little. Most of it was word of mouth on the Silk Road Train during my travels to get here." Quaxo replied with a nod. "You are correct, most mystics are focused, too focused, that is their weakness, unlike you, you are honorable. A good thing."
"A good thing indeed" Broke in another voice as the owner came into view. Robed in layers of gray and even darker gray over his dark gray fur and armed to the teeth and beyond, Graymane had arrived. "Two of the mystics I came across have recently drawn blood some rather young." He saw the sudden look towards him and the fact that the Samurai before him had a hand on the hilt of one of his blades. "Relax, I come purely in paceful intent. This gear is merely for self protection. Why would I harm friends ?"
Quaxo lowered his hand from his sword, but kept a careful eye on the newcomer as Graymane continued "Hello Coricopat. I am rather surprised to see you here. How is your sister ? Safe ?" He then jumped to a second question "Do any of you know a cat by the name of Deuteronomy ?" Quaxo stared at the robed cat, how in the world did he not hear or sense him coming ?
Post by dodd4 on Jul 27, 2013 4:19:20 GMT 1
Coricopat gave a bow to Graymane, "and fair weather to you an duine is sine den chúpla, at the moment she is....resting." then the dark calico gave a quizical cock to his head, "now an duine is sine den chúpla if you rmember my sister and myself then surely you would rember that we have made no secret of joining this tribe. and Wise Deuteronomy is it's leader," he said calmly.
Post by Graymane on Jul 27, 2013 8:16:18 GMT 1
Graymane smiled and removed his hood, dark gray fur covered his face, bright green eyes saw everything. A soft smile was on his face. "Master Coricopat, I had heard rumor of yourself and your sister joining a tribe. But the fact that you know the one I see, this is news to my ears." He said. The last he had seen either of the two was on his travels to Istanbul {Constantinople} when he had met them briefly. At the time they were younger, which made him feel oddly, old then he should have been. "That said amice. Do you know where he is ? There is a matter most pressing I must speak with him about concerning some kittens aid."
Quaxo carefully regarded the gray robed cat. He seemed skilled, well armed from what the Samurai traveler could see. A sword at his hip, throwing knives, some daggers, but nothing of ranged weaponry as far as he could tell. This one was worth watching. Though Quaxo said nothing. He did keep an eye on things. Naturally keeping his guard up. he waited until Coricopat introduced him. Noting the clear strong Latin and Italian accent the gray cat possessed
Post by dodd4 on Jul 27, 2013 13:48:41 GMT 1
((coricopat)) the dark calico bowed again, "Graymane this is Quaxo a traveler such as yourself, though his interests are not quite as...eclectic as yours. Quaxo this is Graymane a travler, scolar and solver of problems, and perhaps the origanator of one or two," Cori said in a quiet velvet voice.
Post by Graymane on Jul 29, 2013 1:36:57 GMT 1
Graymane smiled "Oh come come I wouldn't put it that way, killing a human or two that deserved to pass on and placing the blame rather conviently onto a butler or otherwise nobody really noticed the cat did it. The perfect crime one might say." He said, he bowed his head a bit towards Quaxo as the other was introduced to him through Coricopat "An honor to find one so well armed, I presume trained in the East, yes ?"
Quaxo nodded and said in reply "Indeed, I was trained through a human named Ito, my sister resides with him now." he had a smile on his face, though it was partly forced and partly habitual greeting. He was still keeping an eye on things out of habit alone. "You seem skilled in combat to take down a human. When the only human I ever faced had merely commited spekku after being cornered."
"Blandoris me, viator" Graymane said in reply "You flatter me, Traveler. It is an honor to meet you amice." There was a strong touch of respect towards Quaxo. Graymane turned and gave a brief bow towards Jellylorum in greeting. "Ah! Perdere, I do not believe we have been introduced, Master Coricopat, who is this lovely domina ?" he asked in a strongly cultured Italian tone. His bright green eyes shone with friendship and kindness. Dispite appearances of ready for battle and deathdealing. Graymane knew when and how to be a gentletom.
Post by dodd4 on Jul 29, 2013 2:08:05 GMT 1
((Coricopat)) the darck calico toms tail swished "any such act causes changes in the balance of things and such changes are allways noticeiable, whether they are for the better only time can tell., though while I do rember seeing you in the caffes along Embassey Row as for Istanbul I belive that it was perhaps or cousins Chamomile and Taraphat that you had met, they are like my sister and myself mystics and they travle broadly as they are the shipscats of the frieghter Belaphron. as for this Lovely Cailín she is the Dame Jellylorum. Jellylorum this is Graymane." Coricopat said quietly.
Post by shizoo on Jul 29, 2013 3:36:56 GMT 1
Jelly watched the males carefully, & listened to their discussion, while she tended her plants. She frowned a bit at Graymane's nonchalant dismissal of killing those humans & blaming it on someone else. Killing shouldn't be taken lightly-even if someone deserved it, but she held her peace. After all, she didn't know the extent of the situation. She carefully assessed the skills of both new males-after with the danger around, one couldn't be too careful. Despite her reputation & skills as a healer, Jelly was also a protector. She much preferred healing to killing, however. Very few other than Jenny & Deuteronomy knew the extent of her fighting ability. Wiping her hands carefully on the cloth she carried, she came forward at Cori's introduction, snorting to herself, Lovely Cailín indeed. She thought with amusement. Cori was laying it on thick tonight. "How do you do Graymane? You may call me Jelly if you wish. I am one of the healing matrons here." She smiled, "I too have traveled rather extensively with our theatre troupe. Perhaps later we can compare notes. Would you like some refreshment?"
Post by dodd4 on Jul 29, 2013 3:59:50 GMT 1
((Coricopat)) the dark calico toms yees narrowed as his ears suddenly laid back. "I am afraid that I must decline Jellylorum I am needed elswheare urgently, if the three ofryou will excuse me," he said " I must go. Quaxo if ned be please defend this place." and with that Coricopat disapeared over the gardens boundry. 'I am on my way Tantomile! keep talking and I WILL find you!' he sent along their link. ((EXIT Coricopat stage left))
Post by Graymane on Jul 29, 2013 9:16:02 GMT 1
Graymane smiled "Ah! lamia signora Again you flatter me, I am quite well." He said with a small flurish as he brought her paw to his lips and gave a brief kiss in greeting. "And sometimes the tree must be shaken, else the new leaves are unable to grow as they should. After all, I tend to travel quite a bit and therefore I am not in the same place for very long. Oh and before I forget I do hope you have been in contact with your cousins, they seemed quiet agitated the last I saw them several months back at Davenport they never said why, they spoke cryptically and said that you and your sister would have more....." He was cut off as Cori took his leave.
Trading looks with Quaxo the tuxedo feline didn't stick around, he turned to Graymane, the Assassin merely nodded, if Jellylorum neded protecting he could be trusted. Quaxo took off after Coricopat taking the same route the dark calico had taken. Easily vaulting over the low fence that devided the garden from the public paths as quickly as he could. The only problem with that was that Coricopat was smaller then Quaxo in size comparson, it was easy to notice in fact.
Graymane turned back to Jellylorum "I'm not much for small talk so I'll make it quick because I feel I can trust you enough with this news, seven months ago our queens had kittens, two to a few, some had one, one had as many as triplets, but our main problem is,.... we don't have any Healers to make sure the kittens are truly healthy. We're doing everything we can to make sure they're healthy as it is. But we want to be sure. I was hoping to find Deuteronomy and ask if it was alright if we brought the kittens here" He gave her a slightly nervous look "You... wouldn't be offended by that would you lamia signora ?"
[EXIT Quaxo stage left]
Post by shizoo on Aug 5, 2013 13:13:36 GMT 1
Jelly's ears went back at Cori's abrupt departure. There was no way that could be good. She raised one eyebrow when she saw Quaxo follow Cori, but logically, she felt Cori was a grown tom & an empath. He would know if Quaxo harbored any ill-will. he turned her attention to the handsome tom, still with her. she snorted silently in amusement at his stance. So, he thought he would protect the helpless damsel huh? Chuffing just a little, she figured again, Males, it didn't seem to matter what race or even species-they all seemed to presume that if someone was physically small, they were helpless. Most females would know better. Mentally, she shrugged, Whatever, as long as he didn't get in her way in a fight, they'd probably rub along quite well. The little butter calico, gave Graymane a calm stare, while listening courteously. "Why would I be offended?" She asked puzzled. "I do understand you concerns over the kittens & I do not see Deuteronomy having a problem with bringing them here, however I am not the expert with little ones that my sister-in-spirit Jennyanydots is. Jenny is currently visiting her humans, & I don't know when she'll be home. I can & will check them over if you wish." Jelly adored kittens-in small doses, but she admitted, she had a tendency to be overly strict & protective with them. She didn't mean to, but she liked order & kittens tended to make things chaotic-plus they often took foolish risks. "We do have a communal nursery den which is always staffed to aid any parent who needs assistance. Jenny presides there normally, but when she is not available, we have volunteers. If you'd like to check with Deuteronomy first, that would be fine & I can get the facilities prepared."
Post by dodd4 on Aug 7, 2013 14:57:19 GMT 1
((Mr Miyagi)) Miyagi had entered the Yard at a dignified pace, that just happened to fit the limits of his eyesight and the compensations of his keen nose. with great care he followed the tantaliezing scent from his memory that grew stronger as he approached the healers den. as the cream and brown siamese bengal mix paused at the edge of the garden his breath caught as he saw her. the queen whom he had long ago lost hope of seeing again. Jellylorum. in a soft carying voice he called, "my sweet English Rose you are still lovlier by far."
Post by Graymane on Aug 8, 2013 19:49:03 GMT 1
Graymane smiled and with a thankful bow he said kindly in reply "Ringrazio la mia signora, you are most helpful indeed, I am in your debt. I intend to speak to Deuteronomy as soon as I am able on this matter. Now, onto the other reason I am here...." He quieted as Miyagi arrived, taking a step back into the shadows before the other tom got too close. The smile once more appearing on his face at the sight of the tom on his arrival. He rested a paw on the hilts of his swords at his hips. The weapons were of a strange almost alien design. And yet there were a butiful warm golden color with a black and red leather wrapped hilt with a silver pommel. For the moment he observed from the shadows before showing himself again.
Post by dodd4 on Aug 12, 2013 23:27:56 GMT 1
((Mr Miyagi)) the old tom paused and then bowed to Graymane, "so sorry, I failed to notice you blinded by the radience that is Jellylorum. please by all mmeans continue," Miyagi said in a soft polite tone. then he cocked his head and sighed, "my eyes are not as good as they used to be, I had thought that there was some one there." then he turned back to Jellylorum and gave a soft smile "it is good to see you again."
Post by shizoo on Aug 15, 2013 22:01:29 GMT 1
Jelly was about to ask Graymane what he meant by that curious statement when a new cat came into the garden at a measured pace. Turning she started to greet the new cat then was caught flat-pawed by just Who was standing there before her. Instantly she was swamped with tender memories of a far off garden redolent with scents of flowers-especially one particular rose. It was a butter yellow rose with long sharp thorns & a particularly sweet & spicy scent. The name of the rose was 'The Empress'.
Whenever she traveled with Gus' troupe she would seek out gardens in the area for ideas. Her dream of giving up the road & making a home with a lovely garden always in her mind. This time she was startled by a handsome tom-quite a bit older than she. They had gotten to know each other & became friends-she hadn't even realized he was bent on seduction until well. . anyway. Then one day the troupe had moved on & so had he. She'd never seen him again.
Hesitantly, "Miyagi? is that really you?" she asked in her sweet voice, looking unsettled & confused. Then she glanced about for Graymane-noting he had moved to the shadows for some male reason.
Post by dodd4 on Aug 15, 2013 22:43:40 GMT 1
((Mr Miyagi)) the older tom bowed low, then went ot one knee and tok Jellylorums dainty paw rubed it with his cheek and kissed it. "yes Jelly-currant it is. even though our paths diverged you were allways on my mind. my most recent human has moved in nearbye, he took a cottage on the property of some cousin or other, it seens Benzaiten and Shina-To-Be decided to lend a hand and led me to you. I am very glad to see that my English Rose has not lost her bloom," he said softly.
Post by shizoo on Aug 23, 2013 2:39:13 GMT 1
To say the butter-colored healer was surprised, would be an understatement. She thought of him now & then, females almost always remembered their first lover, but she'd hadn't seen him in more than 7 years! Jelly blinked & having difficulty trying to figure out the emotional turmoil he'd just hit her with, spoke rather tartly. "Well, the first thing you should do is get off of your knees, & I'm not your English rose." She twitched her paw out of his hand briskly & turned to where Graymane was standing in the shadows. "Now gentlemen, I am not one who's big on omens, but having both of you here at this particular time seems to scream, 'something's going to happen' & given what happened to poor Tantomile earlier, perhaps we should sit & discuss the situation." The small queen gestured towards a small stone table & bench. then she purposely turned towards the building. "I will be right back. Why don't you two get aquainted." She muttered to herself as she went inside. "Of course given the situation I wouldn't be surprised if the knew each other already." The thought of having two fighting masters just convenitently 'show up' after all that had been happening, was just too much of a wild coincidence, even for a pragmatic queen like herself & she needed a moment to work through her personal emotions. There had been a time when she'd loved Miyagi with all her heart, but that was a long time ago & she wasn't sure how she felt now-then there were her unrequited feelings for Tugger. Why couldn't anything ever be easy? she wondered.
Post by dodd4 on Aug 23, 2013 2:46:54 GMT 1
((Mr Miyagi)) the old tom sighed and after the butter calico queen had disapered into the den he said softly, "in my heart you will allways be my English Rose..." then he turned to the shadows that held Graymane and bowed again, "since the fair Jellylorum has made the suggestion... I am Miyagi and you oh mysterious stranger are....?"